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Meadow View Nursery
Our families say
Our most recent Ofsted inspection was on the 19th January 2022 where we were judged to ​be ‘Good’ in every area. Here are some quotes from the inspector
"Children are enthused, motivated and engaged. Babies explore a range of textures as they investigate the sand and water trays. They develop good large-muscle movements as they navigate over the soft climbing blocks. Babies develop an interest in books from a young age and listen well to stories, supporting their emerging speaking skills well".
"Staff support children's communication and thinking skills particularly well. They use a wide range of well-posed and open-ended questions to encourage children to think critically and creatively and use a wide vocabulary. All children made good progress".
"The manager is committed to her role. She has a good knowledge of the early years foundation stage and ensures the smooth running of the nursery. Improvements have been made since the last inspection impacting positively on children's independence and awareness and understanding of the wider world".
"Children are happy and enjoy their time at nursery. They develop strong relationships with staff and other children. Children's good behaviour shows that they feel safe. They display good listening skills and develop a firm understanding of risk through a range of activities and real-life experiences".
"The outdoor learning environment is particularly conducive to children's learning. There is a wealth of opportunities across all areas of learning and children relish their time spent outdoors".
"The staff are well qualified and have many opportunities to strengthen their early years knowledge"
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